A warm welcome

Guten Abend,
I’m Jan.

I’m a German design strategist specialized in digital product design. I’m committed to create compelling and impactful digital products which lead to an engaging user experience.




Official Site & Micro­sites

UX Design


1k days Campaign
Web App

UI Design

Providing a seamless and coherent user experience, while reaching business goals requires an interdisciplinary team of people with various skill sets. In this specific project at Publicis for Nestlé, I was entrusted with translating user needs into a digital product. In cooperation with copywriters, we’ve distilled the results of research into frameworks and systems to build upon.

XP Inc.

Advisor App

UX Design

XP Inc. is one of the largest Brazilian investment management companies. The company primarily offers investment funds and private pension products. What do people want to know about investing? Why should they invest and how can investing be made easier?

There is a need to educate people about what "taking risks" means in the context of investing. XP Inc. took on this challenge and responsibility and, at Naked, I was in charge of developing user flows and wireframes which have been user tested by the respective target groups regarding their risk profiles. Based on the results, the information architecture and the design were refined iteratively.

Warner Bros.

Mortal Kombat X Launch

UI Design

Mortal Kombat is one of the most famous fighting video game franchises worldwide. At Naked, I was tasked with creating the User Interface and Interaction Design for the official website of Mortal Kombat X for Warner Bros.

Multi-layered elements were created to immersively draw users into the world of the game. Smart routing leads the user to the best fitting reseller.

Jaguar Land Rover

Inter­national Cam­paigns
& Media

Art Direction

At Spark44, the global client-agency joint venture worked with Jaguar Land Rover across the global breadth and depth of brand communications, I accompanied its expansion on the South American market and worked on various, mainly digital oriented, projects.

As a standardized procedure, ideas were developed in multidisciplinary teams. These ideas were then translated into artworks, were tested and implemented.


Living Styleguide

UI Design

The official Corporate Styleguide was adapted and extended for usage in digital spheres. The days of PDF-styleguides were numbered. Various interactive components had been created from scratch to take the existing styleguide one step further. It was built in a "content first"-approach by continously refining it through real content.

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